April 3-4, Grapevine, Texas

2023 1st Annual Minorities in Medicine Conference :

Why Minorities are essential for Health Care System

1st Annual Minorities in Medicine 2023 Conference :

Minorities in Medicine Conference: is the conference for those who want to develop long-lasting working relationships with professionals in the Health Industries and showcase the talents that exist in the Minority Community of Medicine. Increased awareness & solutions that position their organization for increased supply chain diversity, a more competitive supply chain, and demonstrated initiatives to meet board-driven goals.

Conference Starts in:

Why Attend Minorities in Medicine 23 Conference?

The Minorities in Medicine 23 Conference is the first of its kind in the country. Client development opportunities, insights into meeting  Buying Entities where they are, solutions providing focused, targeted deliverables to specific customers, and potential increased utilization. By 2045, people of color are projected to make up more than 50% of the US population.

Source. (The Brookings Institution, often stylized as simply Brookings, is an American research group founded in 1916.)

At the current rate of spending, it will take 333 years for minorities to close the gap between minorities and nonminority firms and reach revenue parity working together we can reduce the equity gap in just 15 years.

If all corporations grow their MBE spend percentage by 1% annually, the timeline to achieve parity will improve from 333 years to 15 years.”
(Source Corp Magazine)
1. Closing the gap has a positive impact for everyone increase of the US GDP by $8 trillion dollars by 2050
2. Increasing jobs by 9 million
3. Additionally adding $2.6 trillion in consumer spending
Access that allows minorities to compete to supply products and services is Paramount. Spending on minorities needs to increase significantly to close the gap, with intentional action, the gap closure can be achieved in just 15 years

The conference aims to raise awareness around health disparities and mobilize professionals in the medical industry, academics, and community members to take action for change.   You will have the opportunity to meet the decision-makers in the Healthcare systems face to face.   As well as receive information on how to do business with the major healthcare system in the world.   Started in 2022 by the Methodist Healthcare systems, the conference is nationally recognized and respected, will attract more than 500 attendees this 1st year, and hundreds more who participate via the internet.

Quality Time with Experts

To make the most out of your participation in the conference:

  • Speak to as many decision-makers as possible. You’ll increase the chances of finding the right connection.
  • Keep presentation within specific timeframes.   Long queues will turn decisions maker off.
  • Making sure Conversations are structured and brief.   Seal the deal with least time.

Who Should Attend?

Minorities in Medicine 23 Conference is open to everyone.  We encourage all minorities to attend.   This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you to meet and showcase your talents in the Healthcare industry.  And you will learn firsthand how to do business with one of the largest healthcare systems in the world. 

Tickets will soon be available for FREE.  And don’t miss the Golf Tournament on Monday, April 3rd.                                 

Join us in Grapevine, Texas, April 3-4 2023 and be part of change

Conference Schedule

Eventry full schedule of keynotes, sessions & workshops

Keynote Speakers

Well known industry leaders and emerging talents

Registration to Minorities in Medicine 23 Conference

Lock in your space for the Minorities in Medicine 23 Conference

Pre-register now and we’ll contact you with more details when it’s time to complete your registration

Minorities in Medicine 23 Conference

Conference Tickets

Conference Tickets are Free and Limited

Opening Soon Pre-register for Minorities in Medicine 23 Conference

Lock in your space for Minorities in Medicine 23 Conference. A limited number of passes will be available for FREE but for a short time only. Pre-register now and we'll contact you with more details when it's time to complete your registration

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A huge thanks to all our amazing partners. We couldn’t have a conference without you!

Interested in becoming a sponsor?

If your company is interested in sponsoring Eventry Conference this year, we’d love to hear from you. Send us a quick email and we’ll get right back to you with some more information and our sponsorship brochure

Conference Venue

Location that you'll be looking for


Gaylor Texan Resort & Convention Center

1501 Gaylord Trail, Grapevine, TX 76051

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